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"Look!" he said. "The people are united, and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them! |
(27) Call for an end to the war on drugs -Decriminalize this thing. Let anyone who wants to poison themselves with drugs do it. De-Criminalize this thing. Save the lives of baby's, Everywhere. - Google+:
"BE IT RESOLVED, that the American Bar Association, recognizing that there is a correlation between children who suffer from the handicap of a learning disability and children who are involved in the juvenile justice and child welfare systems, encourages individual attorneys, judges, and state and local bar associations to work more actively within the juvenile and family court system, as well as their communities, to improve the handling of cases involving children with learning disabilities."is Herein Joined as a party to the Complaint as Complantant #TheBlackTeaParty
These avenues to improved implementation and enforcement of key program quality provisions of law, both through agency action and through the actions of students, parents, and their representatives, are interrelated. The Court’s conclusions in Gonzaga and Sandoval that legal obligations – under FERPA and by implication Title I and other education laws in the former case and under Title VI in the latter -- accompanying federal funds are judicially enforceable not by the affected students and their parents but only by the agencies distributing the funds make it all the more incumbent for those agencies to do a thorough job of enforcement, yet there has been no stepping up of federal agency action in response to those decisions. At the same time, the recognition that agency enforcement action is not alone sufficient to assure implementation was, prior to those decisions, long part of the basis for the need for private causes of action. Similarly, it must be recognized that these decisions did not suddenly cut off a steady flow of litigation to enforce the Title I quality requirements or the civil rights disparate impact requirements as applied to elements of educational quality; few such cases had been filed – and not because these laws were being well implemented or because parents did not care about the quality of their children’s education, but because there has been so little in place to ensure that the affected parents and students understand these provisions and have the capacity to seek resolution and enforcement. Likewise, while federal law requires States to have administrative complaint procedures and districts to make parents aware of them, few complaints are filed concerning the core program quality requirements above because of parent lack of awareness not only of the program requirements but of the complaint procedures themselves.
#theblackteaparty_American_Bar_Ass for Youth at Risk
#theblackteaparty_American_Bar_Ass for Youth at Risk
_#theblackteaparty theblackteapartyThere are many paths to effective teaching. But research, both into teaching and into how people learn, offers insight. The Study of human behaviour like understanding-conflict-resolution. By William Glasser
Securing this basic right to a quality education, particularly for those most at risk of its denial,
requires several, coordinated actions, by legislative bodies and education agencies, that form the
contents of this recommendation: (1) clear articulation of the core elements of that right in
terms of the quality education that children and their families should be able to count on; (2) an
expectation that schools will provide those elements of the right to each child and will have the resources to do so; (3) consistent focus, in the various functions of district-, state-, and federal level
education agencies on ensuring that schools are providing those elements of a quality
education; (4) better implementation and enforcement of those provisions of existing law that
advance those elements of quality education; and (5) a stronger voice for youth and their parents
at the front end in shaping the nature and quality of the educational programs they get.
Litigation based on the education clauses found in state constitutions has, not surprisingly, varied in its success both in establishing the parameters of a state right to quality education in the state courts, and, when successful in that regard, in obtaining the reforms and resources necessary to implement that right.
See below regarding the legal status of those plans.
20 U.S.C. §§7844(a)(1) and 7846(a)(1). 20 U.S.C. §6311(b)(8)(A)-(D). The State plan must also describe how the State will support collection and dissemination to districts and schools of effective parent involvement practices that are geared to lowering barriers to greater parent participation in school planning, review, and improvement. 20 U.S.C. §6311(d). See, for example, §§6316 and 6319. U.S. Department of Education, for 2006-07 school year. IMPROVING BASIC PROGRAMS OPERATED BY LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCIES (TITLE I, PART A) at www.ed.gov/programs/titleiparta/index.html.The lack of compliance is revealed, at least to a limited degree, in Timothy Speth, Steffen Saifer, and Gregory Forehand, Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, PARENT INVOLVEMENT ACTIVITIES IN SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANS IN THE NORTHWEST REGION, REL 2008- NO. 064 (October 2008). Cf. Spillane, STANDARDS DEVIATION: HOW SCHOOLS MISUNDERSTAND EDUCATION POLICY, supra at note 18. Paul Weckstein, "School Reform and Enforceable Rights to Quality Education," in Jay Heubert (ed.), LAW AND SCHOOL REFORM: SIX STRATEGIES FOR PROMOTING EDUCATIONAL EQUITY, pp. 306-389, at 317 (Yale University Press, 1999) (footnotes and paragraph breaks omitted). www.ed.gov.In addition, a one-time infusion of $13 billion more for Title I has been added by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the stimulus package). See, for example, Valdez v. Grover, 563 F.Supp. 129 (W.D.Wis. 1983); Nicholson v. Pittenger, 364 F.Supp. 669 (E.D.Pa. 1973). See, for example, Ass’n of Community Orgs. for Reform Now v. New York City Dep’t of Educ., 269 F. Supp.2d 338 (S.D.N.Y. 2003); Fresh Start Academy v. Toledo Bd. of Educ., 363 F. Supp.2d 910 (N.D. Ohio 2005). It is also reasonable to assume a similar result if private parties sought to enforce the Perkins Act requirements above.20 U.S.C. §6318. But see 20 U.S.C. §6314(b)(2)(B)(ii), which provides for appropriate student involvement in development of the Title I program plan in secondary schools, though with none of the specificity applicable to parents. See also provisions of the Perkins Act requiring local plan description of how students, as well as parents and others, are involved in development, implementation, and evaluation of programs assisted under the Act and how they are effectively informed about, and assisted in understanding the requirements of the Act; and State requirements for involving students and others in development of the state plan and for developing effective activities and procedures, including access to information needed to use them, to allow students and others to participate in State and local decisions that relate to State plan development. Adria Steinberg and Lili Allen, FROM LARGE TO SMALL: STRATEGIES FOR PERSONALIZING THE HIGH SCHOOL, Jobs For the Future (2002), www.alliance.brown.edu/pubs/largetosmall.pdf; The Principals’ Partnership, RESEARCH BRIEF: PERSONALIZED LEARNING IN HIGH SCHOOL , www.principalspartnership.com/personalizedlearning.pdf. See also note 28, infra.. See, for example, SoundOut, www.soundout.org. Portions of this part of the report have been adapted with permission from: McNaught, K.M. (2007). MYTHBUSTING: BREAKING DOWN CONFIDENTIALITY AND DECISION-MAKING BARRIERS TO MEET THE EDUCATION NEEDS OF CHILDREN IN FOSTER CARE, ABA Center on Children and the Law, Washington, DC. Portions of this part of the report have been adapted with permission from: BLUEPRINT FOR CHANGE: EDUCATION SUCCESS FOR CHILDREN IN FOSTER CARE (2007). Legal Center for Foster Care and Education, Washington, DC.
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