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Slavery, as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall
have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States,
It is true
that American life is hostile to black men—one need only look at
incarceration rates, school disciplinary statistics, or the criminal justice
system to note that life for black boys in America is turbulent.
Those of us who parent, love, or teach young black men attempt
to inoculate them early and often. We give them unwritten rules about who to
approach on a street corner and what to do if they’re ever stopped by the
police. We prepare them, not solely for adult life, but for that moment when
society no longer sees them as innocent children but as potential aggressors.
The image that society paints
of black men, of us, has long been exploitative. Either we are the
entertainers—the ballers, the rappers—or we are the thugs locked behind bars in
huge numbers for crimes that whites commit too, but for which they will never
see the inside of a prison cell. We are either celebrated for others’
viewing pleasure, but for which they will never see the inside of a prison
cell. We are either celebrated for others’ viewing pleasure, or
denigrated as examples of immorality. Jenee Henry and Joshua Elligan
January 7, 2013
OBAMA OBAMA Returning The Treasure Chest To It's People
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Slavery, as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall
have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States,
It is true
that American life is hostile to black men—one need only look at
incarceration rates, school disciplinary statistics, or the criminal justice
system to note that life for black boys in America is turbulent.
Those of us who parent, love, or teach young black men attempt
to inoculate them early and often. We give them unwritten rules about who to
approach on a street corner and what to do if they’re ever stopped by the
police. We prepare them, not solely for adult life, but for that moment when
society no longer sees them as innocent children but as potential aggressors.
The image that society paints
of black men, of us, has long been exploitative. Either we are the
entertainers—the ballers, the rappers—or we are the thugs locked behind bars in
huge numbers for crimes that whites commit too, but for which they will never
see the inside of a prison cell. We are either celebrated for others’
viewing pleasure, but for which they will never see the inside of a prison
cell. We are either celebrated for others’ viewing pleasure, or
denigrated as examples of immorality. Jenee Henry and Joshua Elligan
January 7, 2013
OBAMA OBAMA Returning The Treasure Chest To It's People
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