LAUSD Arrests Parents or Teachers for Pushing Algebra and Better nutrition for their kids and less "Time-Out" suspensions, expulsions, excessive OT transfers, and Bullying. SUPPORT YOUR SELF ASK ME HOW:
Looks Like LAUSD May have to start to teach algebra to all of it's student population, After all:
Vheru Found innocent of All charges The indictment alleges that before he was replaced as the supervisor, Vheru executed a contract that caused the district to issue $3.7 million worth of purchase orders for Algebra books for the District's 694,288 students, causing the District to pay for Algebra books and related materials with federal funds that were provided to the district under Title III of the "No Child Left Behind Act for programs and students with limited English proficiency.
Says, Saskwatch:
"Anyone who wants to follow a technical trade (engineering, etc) needs algebra.
But don't listen to me, I'm a dropout.
by Saskwatch on Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:34 am
partially blame my very first high school teacher. I had already taken the exact same algabra book my 8th grade year and aced it. The teacher had a hangup with long hairs and flat out refused to let me go to the next level of algebra which I needed his sig to move up. That[ censor
expletives] put the hugest damper on my whole high school expierence!!! So, I started ditching his class so I'd get booted out and then the counceler (sp, dropped out because of english in the end) would get me into Algebra 2. He refused to mark me absent because he knew my plot to get out of his class (why would a teacher want to keep a student eager to advance back?). I burned his [expletive] though... One day a sub did his class and marked me absent (after 18 days of no class, I couldn't figure out
From what i remember, which isnt much of school, i wish i payed more attention to the class, an less of friends an sleeping. Now im struggling to get a better job, an for the ones i want to go into you need to know math. not the big stuff but most basic. So its back to school for me, $10,000 dollars later an i'll have a good education, and a good paying job, ha!. But yea algebra sucks. Good Luck to you there. "...And so
Mr. Vheru causing the District to pay for Algebra books and related materials with federal funds that were provided to the district under Title III of the No Child Left Behind Act for programs and students with limited English proficiency.
hmmm... Looks like Mr. Vheru might have been on to a decent plan. He, though, escaped prison penalty of 230 years in federal prison and that is why algebra is in the news and
by the hair on his attorney's skin, we salute, Vheru's and his attorney for taking a stand for algebra at LAUSD. Vheru's still working. Next Time "duck"

Looks Like LAUSD May have to start to teach algebra to all of it's student population, After all:
Vheru Found innocent of All charges The indictment alleges that before he was replaced as the supervisor, Vheru executed a contract that caused the district to issue $3.7 million worth of purchase orders for Algebra books for the District's 694,288 students, causing the District to pay for Algebra books and related materials with federal funds that were provided to the district under Title III of the "No Child Left Behind Act for programs and students with limited English proficiency.

Says, Saskwatch:
"Anyone who wants to follow a technical trade (engineering, etc) needs algebra.
But don't listen to me, I'm a dropout.
by Saskwatch on Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:34 am
partially blame my very first high school teacher. I had already taken the exact same algabra book my 8th grade year and aced it. The teacher had a hangup with long hairs and flat out refused to let me go to the next level of algebra which I needed his sig to move up. That[ censor
expletives] put the hugest damper on my whole high school expierence!!! So, I started ditching his class so I'd get booted out and then the counceler (sp, dropped out because of english in the end) would get me into Algebra 2. He refused to mark me absent because he knew my plot to get out of his class (why would a teacher want to keep a student eager to advance back?). I burned his [expletive] though... One day a sub did his class and marked me absent (after 18 days of no class, I couldn't figure out

Mr. Vheru causing the District to pay for Algebra books and related materials with federal funds that were provided to the district under Title III of the No Child Left Behind Act for programs and students with limited English proficiency.
hmmm... Looks like Mr. Vheru might have been on to a decent plan. He, though, escaped prison penalty of 230 years in federal prison and that is why algebra is in the news and
by the hair on his attorney's skin, we salute, Vheru's and his attorney for taking a stand for algebra at LAUSD. Vheru's still working. Next Time "duck"
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