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Sunday, July 28, 2013

State Police vs The U.S. National Guard For Freedoms NYC 'Stop and Frisk' Policy Ruled Unconstitutional:

We Work For American Values Causes
We Work For the rights of Americans Freedoms Now, a panel of federal judges has rejected Gov. Jerry Brown’s request to delay its order that California release nearly 10,000 additional inmates by year-end.
 The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated; and no Warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.  Reporters/gun owners and 501(c) 4 tax evaders readily assert the rights that they want to protect, but try NOT having the right to walk or drive down the street, by car or bike, without being searched and seized or seized and searched, every day of your life, again and again.

Habeas Corpus Unlawful Holding of 10,000 California Inmates by Jerry Brown
California Prison Hunger Strike: 30,000 Inmates Refuse Meals
When people say that they are opposed to Negroes “resorting to violence” what they really mean is that they are opposed to Negroes defending themselves and challenging the exclusive monopoly of violence practiced by white racists. (Williams, 1962)

#BlackTeaParty  First, we looked at how doctors under contract with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation sterilized nearly 150 female inmates from 2006 to 2010 without required state approvals.

Now, a panel of federal judges has rejected Gov. Jerry Brown’s request to delay its order that California release nearly 10,000 additional inmates by year-end.
White Man indicted for sendin‘KKK forever’ letter to Obama
NYC 'Stop and Frisk' Policy Ruled Unconstitutional: Conservatives Immediately Start Whining:Scheindlin ruled 
“For those of us who do not fear being stopped as we approach or leave our own homes or those of our friends and family, it is difficult to believe that residents of one of our boroughs live under such a threat.”  that the department’s “cavalier attitude… displays a deeply troubling attitude towards ... fundamental constitutional rights. that the increasing number of stop and frisk incidents was not due to an increase in crime or incidents requiring police attention, but the result of policy set by Commissioner Kelly.

minority guy harassment program.”

 Policy Ruled Unconstitutional: 

Conservatives  Offer "Stop and Frisk" to be now
proportional to race, if at all.

69% of black New Yorkers oppose the policy.  White people, who are subject to only 13% of searches, generally support it.  While a well-to-do tenant or their guest being searched by a doorman is virtually unheard of, the police obviously do this consistently, even to tenants.

 Last February, the number of stop and frisk incidents reached a 10 year high – with over 684,330 people being stopped in 2011.
While ostensibly designed to clear crime-ridden buildings of loiterers, drug dealers, gangs, and the homeless, residents in those buildings have alleged Clean Halls is more accurately a campaign of harassment and suspicion against minority residents. Jacqueline Yates, a plaintiff in an ongoing lawsuit against the program, says that the program has turned her building into a prison, with her dinner guests frequently searched as they leave her building and her sons being stopped and frisked at least two to three times a week.  
Residents in well-to-do buildings with mainly white populations have never heard of the program, protected by doormen and security guards, while 3,895 mostly minority and poor apartment buildings participate. Nearly every Bronx apartment building is a member of the program.
Last February, the number of stop and frisk incidents reached a 10 year high – with over 684,330 people being stopped in 2011.
92% of those stopped were male, and 87% were black or Latino

“If one race be inferior to the other socially, the Constitution of the United States cannot put them on the same plane"Although public commentary describes the United States as "post-racial", racism continues to exert a very real and pervasive influence on institutional policies and processes, interpersonal interactions, neighborhood infrastructure, socioeconomic opportunities, media imagery, and more. 

It goes without saying that for the first few centuries of U.S. history, Black people did not own property in large numbers.  In fact, they were the property that Whites owned.  Held as slaves, Black people were the building blocks of wealth for many White families.  Fast forward past emancipation, sharecropping, the industrialization of the North, the first great migration of hundreds of thousands of Black people from the South to the North, and the ensuing race riots Whites initiated in reaction to the influx of Black neighbors.  Taken together, by the early 1920s, segregation was becoming entrenched in northern cities, and White residents used a number of methods to ensure that Blacks would stay in Black neighborhoods.  These included threats, harassment, offers to buy out black homeowners, and when these didn’t work, physical violence, cross burnings, and most dramatic, bombings.  [3].  Between 1917 and 1921 58 Black homes in Chicago were bombed; one Black man, a real estate agent, had his home bombed 5 times in one year [3].  

Other strategies to exclude Black neighbors were enacted through homeowner’s associations.  They fought for zoning restrictions, offered cash bonuses to Black renters to convince them to move out, boycotted real estate agents who sold to Black people, and most importantly, developed restrictive covenants to prevent sales to Black buyers.  Restrictive covenants were legally binding agreements that homeowners would not sell their property to a Black buyer, nor would their children.  The typical covenant lasted for 20 years, and was strictly enforced by law.  Homeowners who violated the agreement and sold their home to a Black household could be sued for damages in court.  Covenants were ruled unconstitutional in 1948, but continued in less obvious form for many years afterward. [3]
Within only a few years, millions of applications were in.  But, there was a catch, at least for Black homeowners or potential buyers.  HOLC would not provide financing to everyone.  Decisions were made based on characteristics of the individual and the neighborhood.  Neighborhood characteristics included things like the demand, the % of current homeowners, and the age and type of building.  The racial and ethnic characteristics were also paramount.  HOLC developed a color coding to determine which neighborhoods were “good" and were not risky.  The colors were green, blue, yellow and red.  Green was the best, red was the worst.  Neighborhoods that had anything more than a trivial amount of Black residents, had a racially mixed population, or did not have restricted covenants in place were coded red — hence the term redlining.  Red neighborhoods were cut off from any government financing. 


Class Actions suits filed under stop and friskTrial to StartJudge allows class action status in stop and frisk lawsuitlawsuit challenges philly police stop frisk tactics

Challenge to nypd's stop and frisk in federal court

new-york/stop-frisk-suit-bring-federal-monitor-nypdRELATED: THE GREAT STOP-AND-FRISK FRAUDRELATED: THOMPSON'S STOP-AND-FRIK WOES

“In the experience of the United States, however, reform through a court-ordered process improves public confidence, makes officers’ jobs safer and increases the ability of the department to fight crime,” the Justice Department writes.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/stop-frisk-suit-bring-federal-monitor-nypd-article-1.1370670#ixzz2aPC36STM
In a stunning move sure to send daggers through 1 Police Plaza and City Hall, 

“The plaintiffs . . . have strongly urged Judge Scheindlin to appoint a monitor to ensure that 

the NYPD will bring their practices in conformity with what is required by the Constitution,” said Jonathan Moore, a lawyer for the stop-and-frisk foes.

“That the (Justice Department) would agree with the plaintiffs in this regard is further 

testament to the fact that outside intervention is necessary to remedy the wholesale 

violations of constitutional rights which are occurring daily in this city.”

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder 

weighed in at the last minute on the federal stop-and-frisk trial, tossing his support behind a federal monitor for the NYPD.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/stop-frisk-suit-bring-federal-monitor-nypd-article-1.1370670#ixzz2aPAYoVUi

Changed outlined NYPD's 'stop, question, frisk' policy Frederick George v. City of Philadelphia

In Madrid v. Gomez... Judge Thelton Henderson recorded myriad staff abuses of prisoners at the institution.  The most memorable: Vaughn Dortch, a mentally ill African-American prisoner, whom guards forced to take a "bath" in near-boiling water.  One guard said, as he was holding Dortch down in the water: "Looks like we're going to have a white boy before this is through." ... Judge Henderson ordered numerous reforms to the policies and practices at the institution... However, Henderson stopped short of declaring the physical structure of long-term solitary confinement unconstitutional.  The United Nations has declared long-term solitary confinement unconstitutional. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/365/292/104/
'via Blog this'

ALGEBRA OUR WAY TODAY:http://bookstore.xlibris.com/Products/SKU-0112143017/Baby-Algebra-For-Baby-and-You.aspxIntroducing baby to algebra as early as the baby shower via algebra themed baby beginnings, such as:mobiles, room plaques, pacifiers and other baby algebra paraphernalia,we inundate baby with the message that algebra is important to baby and family tradition.Baby algebra uses pictures and key words to help Baby to generalize and grasp algebra concepts. Therefore we can think our way through the stepping stones called tests. Colors and images react . Colors with one side of the brain, images with the other side of the brain, together create and complete the learning process inherent at birth . WALLA! Baby does algebra.

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