OH, How Magnificent! Prison Art Resources

Saturday, August 6, 2011

‪Slope Intercept Rap‬‏ - YouTube

Slope Intercept Rap‬‏ - YouTube

Slope Intercept Rap

Introducing baby to algebra as early as the baby shower via algebra themed baby beginnings, such as:mobiles, room plaques, pacifiers and other baby algebra paraphernalia,we inundate baby with the message that algebra is important to baby and family tradition.Baby algebra uses pictures and key words to help Baby to generalize and grasp algebra concepts. Therefore we can think our way through the stepping stones called tests. Colors and images react . Colors with one side of the brain, images with the other side of the brain, together create and complete the learning process inherent at birth . WALLA! Baby does algebra.

http://www.youtube.com/Teach me how to Factor

Teach Me How To Factor (WSHS Math Rap Song)

http://www.youtube.com/watch NOW GET TRIG_GY WIT IT

Gettin' Triggy Wit It (WSHS Math Rap Song)

http://www.youtube.com/TEACH ME HOW TO DOG GONE STUDY

http://www.youtube.com/CAN I BORROW YOUR 

parallel lines



Chris Brown and T-pain feat African RemixYes We Can

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